The life of Prophet Mohammad is an encouragement and it is in itself a great epic. It is said that Mohammad wrote the QURAN upon revelations made to him by Angel Gabriele. Quran has a lot to offer to mankind.
Here are the Life Lessons One should Follow:
Quran is a book that can teach you a million lessons. Examples and stories in it shall make you hold all of them strong and like something which you can never forget. Often people misinterpret the language of the book and deviate from the righteous path shown Prophet Mohammad and the Angel through the holy Quran.
Each and every sentence of the book is meant to be read in a way that brings one closer to humanity peace and harmony and of course closer to the divine and the one supreme power. Nothing mentioned in the Quran is directed towards violence.
Brotherhood and respect to all, and to stand against injustice and against those things which are vain and a disadvantage to the human society. Going through the book one might realize that it is useful for not just a certain section of the society but the entire human race.
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