The title of this article is aptly kept as How to Attract Women because remember that girl you liked in college who was popular among the boys? The same one you watched from far but never could muster the courage to speak with? Maybe that sexy friend of yours with that cute smile who chats with you everyday and considers you as a good friend? May be that office hottie you have been eyeing ever since she joined but hesitated to approach as she was always surrounded by the your office guys going out of their way to to make her feel welcome. In each of these scenarios you may have noticed that though there are many guys that hover over the girl; the girl is attracted to only one particular type of guy. What mens grooming tips does that guy have that you do not have? Does ‘That’ guy hypnotize women or does he have a magic potion to attract women? Read ahead on how to Attract Women With These Grooming Tips for Men.
Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary? Yes personality & nature does play a big role but that only comes to play once you are past the appearance & appeal test that every girl calculates silently in their mind. Her mind works fast in allocating zones to the guys she meets & interacts with and if you are not careful then you will find yourself friendzoned pretty soon. What you need are grooming tips for men that will change your life.
These Grooming tips for men are what you need to stand out among the crowd and catch her eye and get her to notice you. Before we tell you how to attract women keep in mind the first thing a women notices is your appearance, your looks, how you dress & present yourself. Women like a well manicured man and the first impression you make with your appearance has a lasting effect on the woman and she subconsciously slots you in various groups even before you open your mouth to speak or show your personality.
The idea on how to attract women is that you present yourself as an attractive package that will catch her eye and make her slot you in the ‘Boyfriend material’ zone. You then have enough time to showcase your personality and nature to impress her further. No point crying about not having a girlfriend if you cannot be smart enough to work on getting yourself one. So go ahead and read on how to attract women with these grooming tips for men.
Lets break up the grooming tips for men into these below sections:
A. Groom & Maintain Your Hair
B. Your Face is your Visiting Card
C. Get Rid of Body odor & Bad Breath
Read Now 5 Must Know Smart Grooming Tips For Guys
A. Groom & Maintain You Hair – How to attract women with these grooming tips for men
So, we men love our hair and start worrying the moment we see hair fall or a receding hair line. Unlike women’s hair, men’s hair is usually rougher and prone to balding. At times it may be because of the balding genes in men or sometimes (seems like most of the time) due to bad choice of hair products we use for our hair. We worry about how to attract women when we are going bald.
Not that the bald look is not cool but just that the transition between a head full of hair to receding hairline and finally to the complete bald look is an emotional roller coaster that only men can understand.
We need to take care of our hair and make it one of the priorities of our lives. Give it as much as importance that we would give to our health & well being. Use the right kind of hair care products that suits your hair rather than picking ups some random hair care product from the market. Here are some grooming tips for men & products that will prove very useful to you. Women love men with great hair so do everything you can to keep it nourished & well maintained.
Still wondering how to attract women then here are some Hair Care products and Grooming tips for men
Mens Grooming Tip #1
You should avoid Over Washing your hair. A few times (about 2-3 times or at max 4 times) in a week is good enough as over washing you hair will strip it of all the naturally found essential oil from your scalp leaving it dry, itchy & flaky. You can wash your hair with a very good shampoo & conditioner every alternate day unless your hair gets dirty, very sweaty or greasy. Always rinse your hair thoroughly to get rid of any hair product post applying. Grooming tips for men never got easier than this.
Man Arden Activated Charcoal Shampoo With Argan Oil

Man Arden Activated Charcoal Shampoo removes hair and scalp impurities and leaves your hair refreshingly clean & healthy. Its gentle & effective nourishing formula cleans your hair & scalp naturally while the activated charcoal detoxifies & thoroughly cleanses your hair making it stronger. This shampoo has a blend of herbal oil and ingredients that Include Organic Argan Oil, Avocado Oil, Golden Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Vitamin E. that Repairs & Strengthens your hair naturally. Click image to View.
Mens Grooming Tip #2
Dry your hair gently like you would dry your face. Drying your hair in a frenzy will damage you hair. Use a super absorbent towel to pat your hair dry and style it gently with your fingers or a soft hair brush. Avoid using the hair drier as the hot air will damage your hair. Yes we guys tend to get out of the shower and rough & vigorously dry our hair with our old worn out towel that we have been using for the last 3 years. This type of hair torture will prove very costly in the future when your hair starts to fall.
Continue reading below How to Attract Women With these Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men
Mens Grooming Tip #3
Always use a Expert Recommended Shampoo & Conditioner. Shampoos & Conditioners are available dime a dozen in the market each one claiming to be better than the other. However like a doctor knows his medicines, Men’s Grooming care experts know what Shampoos & conditioners are good for you. Most of the shampoos contain nothing but bad chemicals that give instant results initially but fast forwards hair aging & hair fall after a few washes. Most shampoos contain Synthetic fragrances & colors, Parabens that have have Estrogenic (Estrogens are Female Sex Hormones) activity in the body, etc. For best results always follow Grooming tips for men by Fashion & Grooming Experts.
Read further down for Mens Grooming Tip#4
Dove Men+Care Fortifying Shampoo + Conditioner

This 2 in 1 Shampoo plus Conditioner by Dove is specially made for rough men’s hair. The shampoo * conditioner action deep cleans the hair & revitalizes the hair energizing the hair from the roots while softening and making it bouncy. It is enriched with caffeine and menthol that refreshes the hair and scalp leaving you feeling clean, fresh & confident every day. It washes away the dirt & grease to give you the fresh new handsome look and gives you the answers to how to attract women.
The Man Company Charcoal Shampoo, Pepper Mint and Clove Cold Pressed Essential Oils

“The Man Company’ formulated this shampoo with activated charcoal and cold pressed peppermint & clove essential oil. It is free of harmful chemicals & meets ll requirements for men’s hair & scalp treatment. The shampoo removes excess oil and dirt and keeps your hair fresh & clean. It removes dandruff & lice and squeaky cleans you hair & scalp getting rid of your anxieties & problems. The anti-oxidant & anti-bacterial properties in this shampoo treats rashes & other scalp problems while killing the germs & exfoliating your hair to keep it healthy. Use it a few times & see the difference. You will no longer need to search tips on how to attract women.
Mens Grooming Tip #4
Stay hydrated & watch what you eat. Dehydration slows & weakens hair growth and you may notice it on the days you drank less water. Always drink about 2 liters of water daily. Your hair roots require adequate water to stay nourished and provide enough vitamins to the hair roots. Eat healthy as junk food destroys hair. Be it vegetarian or Non vegetarian, eat a balanced meal for healthy hair. You should eat food rich in Essential fatty acids, especially Omega-3 found in oily fish, flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, etc. Include enough protein in you diet by having lean meats like chicken, fish & eggs if you are Non vegetarian or Paneer, soya or certain pulses if you are Vegetarian.
Mens Grooming Tip #5
Oil your hair once a week at least. Either use the good ‘ol grandma advice of pure coconut oil on your hair or go for a good hair oil or serum that will stimulate the hair follicles & scalp and give you hair the nourishment it requires. There is no need to apply oil everyday, just once a week will suffice. Oiling your hair regularly will leave your hair thicker, stronger, shinier and with less hair fall.
Hope these tips are interesting & helpful till now. Continue reading as there are more How to Attract Women With Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men below…
Coming Next (Keep Reading) Point B. Your Face is your Visiting Card – Keep it well Groomed
Ustraa Hair Growth Vitalizer

This hair growth vitalizer by Ustraa boosts hair growth and reduces hair fall. This Hair growth formula has natural ingredients such as saw palmetto (Kind of Berries) extract that is a natural hairfall treatment ingredient, wheat germ (nutritious heart of the wheat kernel), jojoba (a wild nut plant) and castor oils with fortified fatty acids. Power packed with vitamins, Omega 3 & essential minerals, this hair growth vitalizer prevents hair greying. It brings your dry lifeless hair back to life. Women will certainly notice your hair once you start using it and you need not worry how to attract women ever again.
Now if you are BALDING and started getting bald patches then don’t feel depressed. Unless you are confident the way you look or are planning to go bald to get the shiny head look; we have something to help you with your bald patches, especially if you are going for a Date, party or some social engagement. The below Hairouse Natural Hair Building Microfibers transforms the appearance of Bald Patches into Dense, thick natural looking hair.
It is made up of almost 100% natural plant cellulose and is Non-toxic, harmless, bio-degradable and unaffected by normal wind, fan and perspiration. It is Used to cover thinning area on scalp & balding patches. Just Sprinkle over thinning area of scalp and it gets covered within seconds.
Simple & easy to use if you are looking to find a simple way out if you are embarrassed of your balding patches. Grooming tips for men were never easier than this before…
Hairouse Natural Hair Building Microfibers

Did you ever want to give someone One Tight Slap – Read how you can
B. Your Face is your Visiting Card – How to attract women with these grooming tips for men
Your face is the most visible feature of your personality and a lot can be said and learnt about you just by looking at your face. Your face adds substance to the words that come out your mouth and defines your personality in a big way. Dull, dry and aged looking skin on a young man speaks volumes on how responsible he may be in other aspects of his life when he does not take responsibility for the health of his skin in the first place.
You may be 20, 25 or 30 but if your face & skin looks 50 then you have failed miserably in taking care of your health and eroded your youth by not taking responsibility of your body.
Yes you are young now and may have (you believe) to have a youthful skin and complexion but if you do not groom yourself well and take the effort to maintain your looks then this very looks fade away quickly and before you know it you look like an old man even though by age you may be young.
Do you want the children in your building to call you uncle when you are just 20 years of age? Worse still, do you really want that pretty young thing to call you Uncle too when in fact you could be her boyfriend?
No right? Learn how to attract women with these grooming tips for men, specially these tips on Face & skin care.
Whether you are going for an interview, going on a date with that crush who you have been asking out for ages or going to any social event; you should always look smart & presentable. Dull, dry & aged skin or oily, sweaty skin is an instant turn-off and people instantly lose interest in interacting with you.
Just imagine, the girl you asked out is sitting in front of you at CCD or Starbucks and you are looking at her beautiful face and admiring her toned skin, sparkling eyes, sweet pink lips and she is sitting opposite you looking at your dull, dry or oily aged & tired looking face. Do you think she would be interested in you? If she could take the effort to look beautiful then you too should make the effort to look good.
Keep reading further on how to attract women with these grooming tips for men and you will start benefiting from them immediately.
Mens Grooming Tip#1
Invest in a good Razor & Shaving cream. Just like you invest in FD’s & Stock market, you need to invest in the health of your face & skin. Rather than buying cheap disposable razors, invest in a good razor that is gentle on your skin. Shaving is a life long activity and you cannot run away from it so why not buy a good razor that shaves cleanly & gently without leaving burn marks on your face? Buy a shaving cream that moisturizes your skin well so that the razor slides through your skin effortlessly. Remember, it is worth the money spent as your face is your visiting card that people see & read first.
Gillette Flexball Fusion Pro Glide Razor

The Fusion Proglide has the Thinnest & sharpest Blades with an advanced low resistance coating to effortlessly glide through the face delivering the closest shave than any other razor. The razor pivots front to back and side to side moving as per the contours of the face providing the best closest shave. Specially formulated lubricated strip above the blades are infused with mineral oil and allowed the blade to glide gently over your skin. This is an investment that you will never regret.
L’Oreal Men Expert Tough Stubble Shave Gel
Your face is your calling card and it deserves the very best care. We all know what a pain it is to shave every other day or for some, daily. None the less, shaving has become an important male grooming ritual that one just cannot avoid so why not give your skin the best there is rather than opting for cheaper shaving gels & creams?

L’Oréal Paris Men Experts Tough Stubble Shaving Gel improves blade glide for an easier, smoother & sexier shave. This special formula creates a protective barrier that helps protect men’s skin against the drying e & skin irritating effects of shaving. It softens your hair & provides you with the closest, comfortable shave like you never had before. Your skin deserves the very best.
Mens Grooming Tip#2
Exfoliate & Cleanse your Face but remember not to over wash it. Over washing your skin will dry it out completely. You skin produces natural oils that are necessary for healthy skin and over washing will simply remove all that is naturally good. Use a mild Face wash & cleanser to clean your face. Never ever use ordinary soap for washing your face as it will strip away all the naturally made oil off your skin and make it dry, dull & rough. Wash with a mild cleanser before you go to sleep at night so that all the dirt & pollution from the day do not get into your pores. Use a good exfoliating face wash from time to time to scrub off all the dead skin on your face.
REMEMBER, YOU ARE NOT LESS OF A MAN FOR USING THESE MANLY GROOMING PRODUCTS. Grooming is now an essential part of one’s lifestyle and helps you maintain a healthy skin & body. You can try the below Grooming products suggested by our experts.
The Man Company Charcoal Cleansing Gel, Black Pepper and Bergamot Essential Oils

This Cleansing gel is formulated with activated charcoal, black pepper and bergamot essential oils and is the ideal cleansing agent that exfoliates skin, its antiseptic treats acne, reduces stretch marks and moisturizes the skin. It reduces flat lines and wrinkles and removes dark spots and solves pigmentation issues. This gel gives you the manly glow like never before. You need this for your skin buddy.
MCaffeine Naked & Raw Coffee Face Wash

This nourishing deep cleansing face wash washes away impurities & dirt and gives your skin the boost of freshness that lasts long. It wakes up your skin & removes excess oil leaving your skin younger & youthful. The caffeine tones skin and reduces puffiness while the White Water Lilly rejuvenates skin, Aloe vera soothes skin & the seaweed reduces skin pigmentation. Make this face wash part of your daily routine and watch as your skin looks & feels younger and you start attracting women in and around you.
MEN DESERVE Anti Acne and Oil Control Face Wash with Australian Tea Tree Oil

This Anti Acne & Oil Control Face wash for men contains Australian Tea Tree Oil (Tea Tree Oil—An Efficient Natural Product To Treat Skin Issues). This face washes antibacterial properties clears blemishes and reduces Acne breakout. The cooling lather in the Face Wash deep cleans & removes all impurities and excess oil and leaves your skin feeling fresh & awake.
Mens Grooming Tip#3
Moisturize & Nourish your skin. Just like you drink water to hydrate your body & skin, you need to moisturize your skin to keep it from drying up. Skin problems are eliminated when you nourish your skin regularly. A good moisturizer will help retain & replenish the moisture your skin requires. It makes your rough & dry skin soft & smooth and your masculinity remains unchallenged. Just think when you have rough dry hands and you shake hands with an interviewer or hold a girls hands…just imagine what they might think. similarly when they see you with dry skin just think the image they create of you in their mind immediately. Nourish & moisturize your skin with moisturizers made for men only.
Men Expert Hydra Energetic Comfort Max Moisturizer

This Mens grooming formula hydrates and reinforces the skins natural defense system. Loreals Men Expert Comfort max Moisturiser is enriched with Hydra Ceramide (a naturally occurring moisturizer found in our skin. Ceramide creates a water-impermeable, protective organ to prevent excessive water loss due to evaporation as well as a barrier against the entry of microorganisms). This moisturizer Fights visible signs of fatigue, dullness, roughness and a sensation of skin tightness all day. Massage your face & neck firmly and find visible effects almost immediately.
Nourish Oat Moisturising Cream

This is an unique oatmeal formula that is a naturally nourishing non greasy cream that gets quickly absorbed into the skin and has no added fragrance to it. The oat meal formula locks in the moisture and hydrates your skin keeping it soft & naturally healthy looking. A straight forward no BS moisturizer that delivers what it promises.
Qraa Men Wine 4 X 4 Moisturizer
Qraa Men Wine 4×4 Moisturizer is a light men’s formula that is easily absorbed and provides essential nutrients to the skin, restoring its natural firmness and hydration.

This 24 hour daily moisturizer contains Minerals that improves skin appearence and Blue Algae keeps your skin supple. Qraa Men Wine 4 X 4 Moisturizer is supercharged with vitamins, botanicals, hyaluronic acid and minerals. The antioxidant, moisturizing and healing properties of tulsi, ashwagandha, sandalwood, orange peel and barley protein reduce harmful effects of free radicals and provide nourishment.
Mens Grooming Tip #4
Keep your beard trimmed and clip off all excess facial hair. Women love men with beards and find them dashing. Keep your beard trimmed as fuzzy untidy facial hair is a turnoff for women. You can buy a good & powerful trimmer to keep your beard well trimmed & tidy at home itself. There is no need to visit a barber every week to keep your beard trimmed. Clip off all the small small facial hair under the eyes, next to your side locks, on your ears if any, on your forehead & between your eyebrows. Be sure to clip your nose hairs if they are jutting out of your nose. Give women something smart & tidy to look at. Let your trimmed beard & handsome face catch her attention.
Continue reading below How to Attract Women With More Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men.
Coming Next (Keep Reading) Point C. Get Rid of Body odor & Bad Breath
Philips QT4001/15 cordless rechargeable Beard Trimmer

This cutting edge Hair Trim Technology has a 10 lock-in length settings from 1- 10mm with 1mm precision to give you the most finest & accurate trim you can ever get. It is cordless with a 45 minute usage time and a long lasting performance that lasts 4 times longer as compared to an ordinary trimmer. How many Barber visits can you fit in the price of this one?
Panasonic ER307 Men’s Trimmer

The blades of this cordless trimmer are made of durable grade stainless steel which gives its long-lasting razor sharpness. These trimmer blades give you precise, smooth and effortless beard trimming and expert shaping. The blades can retain their sharpness and edges over a long period of time. The trimmer blade length can be increased or decreased from 2 to 18 mm.
Mens Grooming Tip #5
Keep your beard healthy & Nourished with Beard oils & Hair Softeners. Keeping a beard means maintaining it. Men sweat and so does your face. All the sweat, dirt & pollution dries out your beard hair and makes it undernourished and craggy & rough. All that sweat & dirt gives your beards bad odor. Your skin starts to itch and you may get rashes on your face prompting you to shave your beard that you grew over months & years. Use a good beard softener & oil to nourish your beard. Follow these tips and you will notice women noticing you more.
Ustraa Beard Softener Ustraa

Ustra beard softener contains castor oil that has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that protects & heals sunburns, small skin wounds, rashes, skin allergies, itching and any other skin disorder. It has a natural manly deodorizer that keeps your beard smelling fresh all day. It keeps your beard healthy, nourished & soft and manageable. This beard softener contains BEES Wax, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Argan Oil & Almond Viatenze that promotes healthy hair, provides necessary moisture,is a good anti ageing product. This softener has anti-dandruff, anti fungal properties that keeps your hair shiny & soft.
Coming Next (Keep Reading) Point C. Get Rid of Body odor & Bad Breath
Beardo Godfather Lite Beard and Moustache Oil

Beardo Godfather Lite Beard and Moustache Oil contains vital hair food that your beard desperately needs. It contains almond oil, aloevera, caster oil, olive oil, vitamin e, mineral oil, etc that nourishes & softens your beard. It prevents flakiness, beard dandruff & skin dryness and softens, hydrates and conditions your beard. A must buy if you are planning to grow your beard.
C. Get Rid of Body Odor & Bad Breath – How to attract women with these grooming tips for men
We all have had our share of body odor, stinky socks & bad breath moments that made people around us uncomfortable at one time or another. Most wont point this out to you and will try their best to move away from you as immediate as possible. Body odor is caused by bacteria that thrives in your sweat and breaks down the proteins to create body odor. If you do not keep basic hygiene and do not groom yourself well then you will end up being an unpopular person very soon.
Similarly, bad breath is caused by bad oral hygiene causing bacteria to thrive and produce sulpher compounds that gives you bad breath. Daily hygiene is a must if you don’t want bad breath. If you are not sure if you have bad breath then just cup your palm across your mouth and nose and blow into them and see if you sense bad breath. If you do and it is bad then take a guess how women feel when they stand next to you while you speak. Learn how to How to Attract Women with Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men.
Mens Grooming Tips #1
Shave off under arm hair and trim your body hair. Your underarms has sweat glands that produce large amounts of excess sweat in many people and that coupled with dead skin and underarm hair is the perfect spot for body odor producing bacteria. Shave off your underarm hair and keep your underarm dry & clean.
Philips Body Groom Groomer

A bi-directional trimmer to trim your body hair. Why look like a bear when you can trim your hair. Use this and sport a trimmed & groomed look.
Hiphop Skincare Hair Removal Cream For Men

This Hair removal cream is specially formulated for coarse Men’s hair. Instead of shaving your under arms with a razor you can apply this hair removal cream to remove hair effortlessly. The temporary effect of this cream ensures that you can regrow your under arm hair back again if you want to (Though I don’t understand why you would want to).
Mens Grooming Tips #2
Bathe twice a day and scrub off dead skin. Bathe twice daily and scrub off dead skin & dirt from your underarms and body. This will ensure there is no sweat and bacteria buildup on your body. No bacteria build up means no body odor. Use a good body wash and loofah to scrub and clean your body.
The following below Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men Products will answer your question on how to attract women.
The Real Man Caffeine Coffee Refreshing & Detoxifying Body Wash

This detoxifying body wash removed dead skin, washes away all accumulated sweat & dirt, nourishes skin and contains anti oxidant properties. This body wash helps prevent skin infection and keeps your skin fresh & manly. Use daily and watch as it transforms you into a charismatic & confident young man.
Mens Grooming Tips #3
Use an effective Talcum powder after bath and apply a good antiperspirant. Once you jump out of your bath make sure to apply Talcum powder on your body, under arms, groin area etc. Talcum powder is very absorbent and it reduces fiction and keeps your skin dry & protected. Now though we know that sweating is an important bodily function for cooling down our body due to excess heat, people with excessive sweating know how difficult it is in social & work related situations when they are to look presentable but unfortunately sweat embarrassingly heavily. Apply a bit of antiperspirant before stepping out of your house for important social & official engagements.
NIVEA Pure Talc, Mild Fragrance Powder

Pure Talc helps by absorbing sweat & keeping you fresh & confident all day. Apply all over your body once you are out of your bath and patted dried.
Yardley London – Gold Deodorizing Talc for Men

This Luxury perfumed talc powder leaves your skin feeling soft and fragrant all day. This talc not only protects your skin but also gives you that elegant & sophisticated feel and takes your confidence to a whole new level. Use it to feel like a gentleman.
L’Oréal Paris Men Expert Clean Power Roll-on Antiperspirant

This antiperspirant roll on give you 48 hour nonstop protection against odor producing bacteria leaving your under arms clean & fresh all day. Best thing to put on if you have an Interview, date or other social engagements and you do not want to sweat profusely. It has a fresh & woody fragrance that keeps you smelling fantastic all day long. Use it and see the difference. How to attract women will never be a question you will have to worry after this.
Dove Go Fresh (Cucumber & Green Tea) Antiperspirant Deodorant Stick

The cucumber & green tea in this antiperspirant keeps the skin cool and acts as an antibacterial that keeps odor causing bacteria away. It provides upto 48 hours skin protection and nourishes underarm skin.
Mens Grooming Tips #3
Drink a lot of water and avoid certain foods. Water flushes out toxins from your body and keeps you hydrated and your skin cells nourished and healthy. Food containing Onion, garlic & ginger etc contributes towards body order & bad breath too. We are not saying that you should avoid them but try to reduce them a bit in your food if you have a lot of issue with body odor or bad breath. If you have an important social engagement, Interview, a date with that girl you have a crush on, better you avoid if it means for a day or two.
Ok, so we now understand body odor but what about bad breath?
Now there is this marketing story going around for the last few decades specially in the management learning circles where the story as it goes says that a huge company into oral hygiene was facing reduced sales and they were under pressure to turn things around and start posting high profits within the next quarter. The marketing team along with external consultants debated immensely and researched ways to bring in profit before they settled on the best idea to increase sales of their famous toothpaste brand.
One of their executives in a meeting proposed that since people using their toothpaste were anyways brushing their teeth once a day, it was now time to tell people to brush their teeth twice a day morning and at bed time. The campaign through TV ads etc worked and their sale doubled.
Then after a long while their sales started falling, their management team huddled together again when there was another intelligent idea proposed where they advocated that people brush their teeth after every meal. Most consumers bought into the idea and the sales soar again. People started brushing their teeth after every meal.
Then after all this marketing blitz died and people started to brush thrice a day, there was felt a need to increase their sales again. The marketing tutorial says that after much deliberations, one of the executives hit on a brain wave and proposed increasing the mouth of the toothpaste by 1cm thereby increasing the amount of toothpaste discharged every single time. So end result was that consumers used more toothpaste and the company made more sales hence earned more profit.
We are saying all this to show that companies will go through any lengths to make & increase their sales. Yes, brushing teeth is a must and is part of the oral hygiene you must follow but it is not necessary to brush three to four or five times a day. Take a bit of toothpaste and brush twice a day and you are good. If you do indeed suffer from excess bad breath then brushing after every meal would be a good idea along with a visit to your dentist.
Mens Grooming Tips #4
Brush, Floss, Use Mouth Wash, Use a tongue cleaner. Brush at least twice a day and floss your teeth once before you go to sleep. A Dental floss is a very thin string that is used to remove stuck food particles and dental plaque from between your teeth where a toothbrush is unable to reach. Hold the string between your fingers and run them through the gap between all your teeth and remove all unwanted stuck particles & plaque buildup. Use an alcohol free mouthwash after you brush your teeth to kill every last odor causing germ in your mouth. Use a tongue cleaner after every brushing to scrape the layer of mucus & food sediments from your tongue. Here are some oral hygiene products that you can look to use.
Dental hygiene is the most important of the Grooming tips for men that you should pay very close attention to if you are worried about how to attract women.
Oral-B Essential Floss – Mint Flavor

Closeup Nature Boost Mouthwash

This mouthwash contains natural ingredients like cardamom and Tulsi that help fight germs and bad odor. This leaves your mouth fresh & fragrant and give you the confidence to talk to women.
Mens Grooming Tips #5
Women hate Cigarette smoke breath! Yes, women hate cigarette smoke breath and will also tell you this on your face. If you smoke then your breath will stink of stale smoke smell and women hate and detest it. Your chotta goldflake, four squares, classic milds and bidis leave a stale stench that women completely hate. As a public service advice we would suggest you stop smoking but we don’t expect smokers to listen to us. So if you smoke then make sure you rinse your mouth, wash your hands and chew a sugar free gum before speaking to a woman. For gods sake do not smoke and go for an interview. You will not get the job!
Mens Grooming Tips #6
Stinky feet? Wear new socks every day and wash & scrub your feet & powder them daily. Once years back in school I had a home tutor who used to come home & teach me a subject. The moment he entered the house & removed his shoes the whole living room used to smell horrible. Every day before he came I tried everything possible to neutralize the smell. Room fresheners, agarbattis, dhoop, dads perfume, once even proposed that we study in the building compound to get fresh air. I applied vicks, balms saying I was unwell but that stale pungent stink just hit me throughout the tuition’s. If your feet stink then chances are that you may not be aware what effect it has on other people. Wash & scrub your feet everyday. Powder your feet every day. Apply feet deo to neutralize the stink. For gods sake please wear a new pair of socks every single day. Do what you have to but get rid of that stink.
Dot & Key Foot Cream : Deodorizer + Moisturizer (Mandarin & Tea Tree)

This specially formulated antiperspirant foot cream keeps your feet fresh, moisturized and odor free. It fights odor producing bacteria and heals cracked feet. Apply it every night before you sleep and see the difference for yourself.
Dr. Scholl’s Odor Destroyer Deodorant Spray

This strong all day odor protection spray destroys odor immediately. It absorbs sweat & controls wetness leaving your feet cool & refreshed. Say goodbye to foot odor forever. Use this spray on your feet everyday and be guaranteed that your feet will never stink. Now remove your shoes anywhere you like coz your feet will never stink as long as you keep using this spray. It may be a bit expensive but it is the right investment for your feet and your self esteem. Why live with the embarrassment of stinky feet when the solution can very well be just a spray away?
Mens Grooming Tips #7
Invest in a good a Deo & Perfume. It is always nice to add a dash of fragrance to your personality by spraying a bit of deo or perfume on yourself. Spraying a bit is good but please avoid dousing & drowning yourself in them as the overpowering dense smell will drive women away instead of attracting them towards you. Choose a deo or perfume that will suit your style and use them every time you step out of your house. Here are few deos & perfumes you that will suit you and which women will like.
One 8 by Virat Kohli AQUA Perfume Body Spray For Men

If you are a cricket fan and a Virat Kohli fan then this is the deo for you. This deo by Virat Kohli makes a statement just like his batting does. The unique Aqua fragrance make heads turn and attracts women. Just like his batting you too will be a hit with the ladies who like this fragrance. If Kohli can then so can you. Buy it, Use it & Hit the winning Six!
Adidas Ice Dive Eau De Toilette For Men

This aromatic fragrance is for modern men who seek exciting thrill of new & wild adventures. If you are the outgoing , active & adventurous kinds then this is best for you. Women will love your wild side and will certainly enjoy your personality & company. Spray & feel confident while you challenge the world and forge ahead with energy & determination.
Sunny Leone Lust Perfume Eau De Toilette For Men

Why worry about how to attract women when Sunny Leone comes out with a perfume for men that attracts women. Sunny Leone being a woman knows what women like and what attracts women to men. Her perfume for men has been made keeping women and their likes & dislikes in mind. Who else can read a women’s mind other than a women? Sunny Leone knows what you want and this is what she has for you. Buy it & Try it.
These tips by Grooming Expert are focused on the changes you can bring about in your lifestyle, routine & habits that will make a tremendous impact in your life. Now you know how to attract women so follow these Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men and upgrade your life.
Bookmark GuysWorld and watch this space for more grooming tips for men and suggestions that will turn your life around and make you successful in Life & love. How to attract women would be the last thing you need to worry about once you use these grooming tips for men implemented in your life.
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