
India is a land of myriad sages and seers, endless customs, numerous religions, and countless modes of worship. With big or small festival falling lined up in every calendar month, you have endless pooja ceremonies to attend. What remains a never ending question is, “What to wear for pooja ceremony?”  If you believe all dressing up is for women, THINK AGAIN…. Here is the Guysworld MEN’S GUIDE TO DRESS UP FOR POOJA CEREMONY

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  1. Opt for something that is traditional
    Since it is pooja ceremony, choose traditional attire. You can pick from the vast variety available in the market. Opt for a sherwani, a bandgala, a kurta Pajama, or an anchkan with a salwar, Plain sober shirt with trousers, Short kurta with dhoti or anything that suits your body type.You can carry a shawl or an odhani to add some style. It can be collared, band neck or round neck attire, depending upon your taste. These traditional dresses come in different fabrics like cotton, silk, khadi, etc.  You can also go for embroider or printed cloths.
  2. Choose comfortable cloths
    Dressing up is all about comfort. Choose a dress, its style, its fabric; in which you are comfortable. It’s all about carrying the clothes you wear confidently. Confidence springs from comfort. Unless you yourself are not comfortable in the cloths you wear, no about of designer wear can add to your style. If you are not comfortable with traditional attires do not choose them simply because it’s in fashion or all others are wearing traditional cloths. Settle for a shirt & Trousers if you are comfortable in it.
  3. Do not wear dark blue or black
    How much we may love dark colors, but some colours are not made for pooja ceremonies. Though its twenty first century and you may not believe in auspiciousness or omens; refrain from wearing dark blue and black cloths. There are so many other colours to choose from. Do not argue on grounds of science and advancement when it comes to pooja ceremonies. You can keep your blacks and dark blues for other occasions. However if you wish to rebel then why bother? Wear whatever you like.
  4. Avoid leather belts
    Leather belts are made out of animal hides and are strictly prohibited in pooja ceremonies. So do not wear your leather belts. Manage somehow without a belt. Good luck
  5. Wear slip-on shoes, Mojaris or Sandals
    Since it is a pooja ceremony and you have to take off your shoes many times, wear a slip-on shoes, Mojaris or sandals that do not have buckle or laces attached and thus can be worn without any hassles of touching your shoes. Please do not wear sports or leather shoes or flipflops to the ceremony.
  6. Remove excess jewelry and Luxury watches
    There is always a place & time to flaunt your Jewelry and expensive watches, though a pooja ceremony isn’t one of them. Be as simple and sober when attending a pooja ceremony. You are not here to impress anyone but to be part of the ceremony.

Having done all this, you are all set for pooja ceremony. Pray, because prayers can move mountains. Do not doubt the power of prayer. Pray if you believe in God. If not, you probably wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place.
