Nothing is better than a fit and healthy body. Everyone admires an athletic physique in both genders. The active look states how much someone has devoted their time building it. It is easy to say but harder than it seems to achieve an admirable physique. It is not only about compliments but the satisfaction of being healthy and fit person. Working out following a routine not only keeps you healthy but also focussed to your goal keeping away from bad habits and other anomalies.

The 6 pack

Those who are fitness freaks they crave for a 6 pack of abdominal muscles. Who does not? The pack does not reveal itself over night. It needs hard work, routine wise workout and diet regimen. Devoting time in working out always pays off.

Here are 5 simple exercises that will reveal your abdominal muscle pack prominently within few months. The steps are simple and easy to follow.

The pike

You have to lie down with your face up. Straighten your legs and arms. Then raise your legs and chest to form a ‘V’ shape making 45 degrees of angle with your upper part and lower part of your body. Remember your palm should face downwards and float side by side your legs. Do not round your back. This exercise is a tough one

Side bend with a cabled weight

Stand beside a pulley cable fitted low. Attach a D-shaped handle. Stand straight keeping your left side near the stack of weight. Hold the D-handle with left hand and keep your right hand on your hip. Face forward. Then start leaning to the right side and resume the straight position. Remember you are bending sideways. Repeat the process quite a few times and then switch sides. This exercise kills the side fats.

Crunches with light weights

Regain the posture of lying face up. But this time keep your knees bent. Grab a light weight and hold it near the knees. Lift your upper portion of the body and your head towards the knees to do a crunch. Repeat this few times and try to increase the sets slowly. If you feel misbalanced then you can anchor your feet.

Ball Planks

This exercise is done by lying face down with your feet on a ball. The hands are apart and you are in a push up format. Remember to form a horizontal line with your body parallel to the ground. Then try pushing back slightly as if your arms are moving away. Keep that position for 45-60 seconds.

Hands over head crunches

Keep your hands behind your head while lying face up. Keep your knees bent and anchored if necessary. Then pull your torso forward curling the abs towards the knees. Pause a little and return to the lying position. Repeat it few times.

Having 6 packs is like putting a verification seal on your health and physique. Get rid of the unwanted fat in your tummy and bring out the whole set in display.
