My friend the other day sent me a Whatsapp message that said “Dude, help me. My girlfriend is angry with me what should I do”. He went on to tell me what happened and how his annoyed girlfriend was upset & angry with him and how he wanted me to give him relationship advice for men who have girlfriend problems. The reason he gave for why his girlfriend was mad at him was something I have heard from other friends on multiple occasions. All reasons for anger seem to have a set pattern that every girl seems to follow at some point in their relationship without any exceptions. I bet that the majority of you reading this article have had your girlfriend be angry with at least two of the following scenarios mentioned below. This lead me to write this informative relationship advice for men & relationship advice for couples that will help you navigate the female psyche and help you survive her anger. Relationship Advice questions can be asked in the comments section at the end of this article.
My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do is the most searched topic on google by guys who are struggling to calm their girlfriends & wives down and bring back the love & happiness back in their relationship. If you are searching for relationship advice for men on how to calm your girlfriend down then you have come to the right place. You will find below 20 odd scenarios that your girlfriend can get pissed off with you for.
In the coming articles after this one I will try to add more helpful Relationship advise for men that will help you with angry short tempered girlfriends, cheating girlfriends, Flirty girlfriends, High maintenance girlfriends, Abusive girlfriends, Bossy girlfriends, unhappy wife and so on. I have taken help of some expert relationship advisers to prepare this article so please go through it in detail.
The search for ‘My Girlfriend is Angry With Me’, on google is very common so you can relax knowing that you are not the only guy to face this problem but that it is quite like a mass epidemic that we need to find a solution for. Guys World Relationship experts will give you the right relationship advice on how to deal with a mad girlfriend.
Love is a strange & intense feeling that makes us do crazy things. As much as you may want to escape it, once the bug bites, it is hard to save yourself. The kind of rush & headiness you feel when the love bites and a sense of euphoria you feel when you realize you are falling in love is a very special kind of feeling that you know but can’t explain. You all have fallen in love at least once in your life while that Romeo friend of yours may average about 5-6. However you surely are not the charming romeo kinds and at max have fallen in love only once and that person may be your current girlfriend now.
If you are currently in a relationship then you probably know the drill by now. In the beginning everything is so fresh, fun, exciting & you are over the moon so much in love with your girlfriend and wanting to spend every waking hour with her whenever possible.
Few weeks or months down the line you find that your girlfriend keeps getting angry & mad with you quite often and you are left scratching your head wondering what you did that upset her and got her pissed off. You now start searching for tips on google and other Relationship Advice forums to find answers to your girlfriend problem.
Don’t have a Girlfriend & Single Yet? This Relationship Advice for Men is what you should read – How to Attract Women Expert Guide Grooming Tips for Men
All this accumulated anger your pissed off girlfriend stores within herself explodes one day and she gets super mad at you for something you said or did either now or 6 months back and she gets into a big fight with you and you have no idea what triggered it or how to calm her down and end the fight. That is when you turn to your friends for relationship advice or type, “My Girlfriend is Furious With Me”, on Google, Quora, Reddit or on other relationship advice forums.
Don’t get Friendzoned Read This Watch out for these Mistake when Wooing your girl
If you are facing this or anticipate this in the near future then its wise to read now how to manage your girlfriends anger in the right manner.
Relationship Advice For Men 1: You should not get angry
When my girlfriend is angry with me, I stay very calm and don’t react aggressively or angrily. So STAY CALM Bro! Under no circumstance should you get angry and yell back or talk back angrily with her. First step to resolve such a situation is by staying calm and not react. It is possible that she just wants to vent out and you happened to be the punching bag that day. It is possible that she may not be furious with you after all but her trigger may have been someone else and you are just unfortunate to be next to her at that time. Call it bad timing.
None the less it is important that you stay calm and not react with anger or sarcasm as it is a proven fact that if both parties start yelling at each other then things turn worse but when one person stays calm then the issue tends to get resolved faster and the person angry cools down soon enough. So in short, No rage, No cynicism, No finger pointing & blaming. Just open your ears & listen to her.
Relationship Advice For Men 2: Find the cause
First things first, find out why your girlfriend is mad at you. Yes, we know that it is easier said than done when she is super angry with you and probably not even talking to you now. Before you start to blindly apologize make sure you do not screw up by apologizing for something which she was not even aware of.
You may end up apologizing for talking to your ex while your girlfriend may be upset that you forgot your 6 month anniversary instead. Wrong apologies can lead to bigger fights and you are in deeper shit than you were in before.
So before you start apologizing, find out what you are apologizing for and what the reason is for her to be so upset and irate with you. Before you search for advice on My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do, try to find out the reason she is angry with you first.
Find out first so that if an apology is needed you can think how to make it. Quite often your girl may be hyperventilating on some flimsy reason or maybe taking out someone elses anger on you. If that is the case then simply listen it out, shake your head and agree to whatever she says. Once she has vented out enough then she will calm down and be the sweet self she was before the outburst.
If the problem does’t lie someplace else then be sure that the problem is you. What could you have probably done that upset her enough to get furious with you? Lets list down the most common reasons why she is bitter with you. So lets help you with answers to the question of My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do…
She doesn’t like your habits: You smoke & drink in excess and she has been tolerating this for long enough and now she thinks you are going overboard and wants you to stop. You may be chewing gutka and she hates it. If you do intend to stop your vices or reduce it atleast then you should sit your girl down and promise that you are willing to stop or cut down and you want her help with it.
You are still talking to your ‘EX’: Even though you are in a relationship with her, you still talk & chat with your ex. You deny it but she has caught you lying and you still keep in touch with your ex behind her back. Now the only way out of this is either explain and convince your girl that you have no feeling for her (Only if that is the truth) and that you guys are just friends. If that does not work and you do love your girlfriend a lot and don’t want to lose her then you should immediately cut ties with your ex to save your relationship. If not then it is bye bye girlfriend and back to being single. Your choice mate. This is a super angry stage 11/10 ranking and the only way to diffuse is to promise her that you won’t talk to your ex anymore. The first time around she will believe & calm down. However if this is a regular feature and she catches you multiple times then keep reading below for other alternatives.
Talking about your ‘EX’s’: Forget talking to your ex, even talking to you girlfriend about your ex’s is enough for her to draw out the knives. All women hate when their boyfriends talk about their ex’s as they cannot stand the fact that you guys were a couple once and probably did all things with them that you do with her now. Knowing that you spent happy moments once long before with your Ex’s is gonna get her super mad.Your girlfriend will get mad at you even if she thinks that you are thinking about your ex (Even when you are probably thinking about the world cup loss or about that adult video you watched secretly at work). So in short, stop talking about your ex. If you do even by mistake tell your girlfriend that you have your eyes & heart only for her and no one else. Your ex’s mean nothing to you and that you have blocked them from your life completely. No other way out of this.
You told your girlfriend that her bestie is cute or beautiful: That my friend is a total self destructive move. Why would you even do that. Ok, you probably meant it as a compliment (We know what a horny guy you are lol) innocent as it may but for your girlfriend you are calling some other girl cute or beautiful and that to about her bestie. No girl can stand their boyfriend compliment some other chick even if it happens to be her bestie. Convince her that she is the cutest and most beautiful etc, and that you meant it in friendly way and that how her company & friendship makes everyone around her beautiful & wonderful too. Give it a try, she may forgive you after this.
Because you were at the same party as you ‘Ex’ that too without your girlfriend: It doesn’t matter that nothing happened or that you did not speak with your ex at the party. Just you being there at the same party at the same time as your EX without your girlfriend by your side is enough to get her mad. If you are going to a party and you know your ex is going to be there then either don’t go to the party or shut your mouth and don’t tell your girlfriend about it. If you know that some common friends will be at the party then it is best you only hang out with your friends and not be seen speaking to your ex. If word does reach your girlfriends ears of the presence of your ex at least you can explain that you did not know that she would be there and that you have witnesses that will say that you did not talk with your ex. Alternatively, be a man and tell your girlfriend that she is over reacting and watch as she breaks up with you.
You flirt with other girls either in front of her or behind her back: She has caught you flirting before but you still continue to do so. Yeah yeah, boys will be boys but how stupid can you really be if you get caught flirting by your girlfriend? In any case as long as it is harmless flirting that does not screw up your relationship then you are probably ok. But keep in mind that if you can flirt with other girls then she too can flirt with other boys. Keep this Relationship advice in mind before you flirt again.
Checking out other women in front of your girlfriend: What kind of an idiot you gotta be if you totally check out a chick when your girlfriend is standing right with you. I mean, you have to be creative if you do really want to check someone out. Side glances, tying a shoe lace, wiping sweat off your face or simply by wearing glares. Yes, all men checkout women and that is a fact. Even the guys who tell you not to check out women like they are objects, they too have done so in the past or may still be doing it but of course will behave like saints. In any case, it is best to avoid such misadventures when you are with your girlfriend coz the chances of her catching you is very high and you will unnecessarily make her angry for this action of yours. If caught, either deny or admit it butt also add that you thought it was someone you knew in college or say that you liked her bag or shoes and was wondering how it will look on you. She will probably not believe you but her anger will probably subside soon.
You didn’t notice her new hair cut/new shoes/new nail polish/ new ear rings & so on: Your girlfriend spent hours at the parlor getting her hair permed and nails done and you don’t even notice the effort & changes she has made that too just for you? So this anger is only a temporary anger and all you need to do to get out of this is to tell her that you did notice it and was thinking of a nice song to sing to her or that you think the new look suits her well and she is very pretty, beautiful, etc, etc.. Make sure that you say so immediately and not let her get more pissed off.
Continue reading – My Girlfriend is Angry With Me Relationship Advice for Men who are having girlfriend trouble.
She feels you spend more time with your friends than with her: She may like your friends and hang out with you and them too but if your friends are gonna be around every time you meet your girlfriend then she is certainly going to be annoyed. On top of that if you continue to hang out with them very often like you did when you were single then your girlfriend will definitely feel that she is not priority and will feel left out. Hanging out with your friends is fine but if it is going to be at the expense of your girlfriends time then she has every right to be angry. Promise her that you will make more time for her and also in the same breath make some date plans with her and she will be smiling in no time.
Because she does not like your friends: Unless you hang out with gundas & mawalis your girlfriend cannot dictate who you can or cannot be friends with. She may not like your friends but if she wants you to stop being friends with them then that is where you should draw the line. If she loves you then she should understand that your friends are important to you and though you are willing to spend more time with her than with your friends, you will simply not stop being friends with them. Today she tells you to stop your friendship then tomorrow she may even want you to leave your parents or family. Girlfriends will come & go but friendship remains for ever.
You did not take her side when she was having a fight with her friend: Ok, so this does happen from time to time as men & women view & perceive things differently. Your girlfriend may have had a fight with her friends on some issue important to her but which might seem petty or non issue to you. You may wonder why all this fuss & fight over such a small thing. What ever you think it is best that you keep these thoughts in your mind only and not say it to your girlfriend. She may feel that her problems or complaints are not important enough to you and that you don’t value her feelings, etc. When you point out that the matter isn’t important enough or that she is over reacting to small things then she will get angry at you for not taking her side. So next time she complains about her friends or colleagues or boss, just nod your head and make positive assuring noises and exclamations. Let her know that you agree with what she says. Maybe when she calms down she may realize herself that she probably over reacted a bit. Then if you get a chance talk to her about different perspectives etc.
Because you went ahead & did something even after she told you not to do: Once in a relationship, women make it their life mission to change their boyfriends life. She will start telling him what to do and what not to do. Guys usually don’t mind as they feel loved (probably) that their girlfriend cares so much for them. However once in a while (most of the time in my case) guys will do something that their girlfriends tell them not to and then all hell breaks lose and your girlfriend becomes a tigress ready to maul you. She may scream at you or give you the silent treatment. It may be about going late night drinking with your buddies or talking with your ex or talking with that girl she does not like or liking some girls pic on Facebook or Instagram and so on. Each of these have to be dealt with in different ways.
You told her that you don’t like her friends: Never ever make the mistake of telling her that you don’t like her friends. She is allowed to dislike your friends but you dare not tell her you don’t like her friends even though you genuinely hate them. Girls believe that their friends are more special than your friends. So it is better to let them continue thinking the same as long as there is peace in your relationship. So start sucking up to her friends if you want to continue being with her. If my girlfriend is angry with me because of this then I will try my best to like and be friends with her friends because if that makes her happy then I am in less trouble.
You don’t like her talking to guys: Well what can we say about this. You must be the suspicious kinds if you think she will flirt or have an affair with every guy she talks with. She takes this as a sign that you do not trust her enough to make her own decisions on who to talk with and who not to talk with. Yes, as a guy you know what other guys think and behave like but women don’t understand or see it that way. They have friends who are both guys & girls and you suffocate her in the relationship if you dictate terms to her. No woman likes being told that they cannot talk with or be friends with someone even if it is a guy. So back off and give her space in the relationship. The more you impose your terms on her the more she will rebel and the more angry she will become. If your relationship isn’t based on trust then all that love is just sham.
You don’t approve of her mini skirt, tight tops or skinny jeans: Women know how to carry themselves way better than what we give them credit for. Women dress to look & feel beautiful & confident may it be in a salwar kameez, a sari or a mini skirt. Bring this topic up with any women including your girlfriend & they will tell you to mind your own business. You can argue with them that guys will ogle & stare at them but they will only tell you that the dirt is in the guys minds and that they have no business staring at girls. Women hate when men tell them what they can wear & what they cannot. It wasn’t enough that all their growing years their parents forbade them to wear certain kinds of clothing & now that they are grown up their boyfriends try to control them too. So every time you disapprove of her clothing she is gonna get angry with you.No point searching google for My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do if this is the reason why she is actually mad at you.
Keep reading more relationship guidance on My girlfriend is angry with me. We are sure you will be able to figure out & manage your girlfriend by the end of this article.
You make fun of her in front of her friends: Never make fun of her in front of your friends or hers. Mild teasing and scattered leg pulling is fine but in all the fun & games don’t go overboard with the teasing of leg pulling. She may not say anything in front of friends but when you are alone with her she will bring this up and you will end up apologizing. Apologize straight away and tell her you will make sure you do not repeat it again. Find out from her what particular things you said made her uncomfortable and just avoid saying those things the next time.
Asking her why she is mad at you: When my girlfriend is angry with me I don’t ask her why, instead I try to find out why. Yes, it does defeat the entire purpose of this article. How are you to know why she is angry at you unless you ask or she tells you. The this is that women expect their boyfriends to know why they are mad at them. Yes, yes I know it makes no sense but that’s just the way it is. As per her if you do not know why she is angry with you means that you did something knowingly which she did not like and now are pretending not to know what your fault is. You should know what mistake you did and why she is angry with you. Make sure before you apologize to some random mistake to figure out what she is angry about by thinking about all reasons possible.
My moms Tikka Masala tastes better: Never ever compare your girlfriends or wives cooking to your mothers cooking. No one can take place of a guys mom and when you tell your girlfriend or wife that her cooking is inferior to your moms cooking she will take it personally and feel that you are comparing her to your mother on all other factors as well. She wants you to know that you are no more a kid tied to his mothers apron strings. She thinks of you as a grown up adult in a relationship with her and she expects you to be more mature. Eat what she makes and tell her how good the dish is and if you still want to have the tikka masala your mom makes then go to your parents house and have it in private. If you did say it by mistake then tell her that your mom adds a secret ingredient and that is probably the reason. Also add that every dish your girlfriend makes is so delicious that you look forward to the next meal made by her talented hands. This should calm her down.
You cheated on her in her dreams: She had a dream where in you cheated on her with her best friend or that girl in your group. The dream was so real like that she woke up angry with you. Yes, can you believe this actually happens and many guys have reported it happening to them. Now we know that is is like totally crazy but none the less she is mad at you so what do you do. Well, nothing much other than sitting her down and explaining to her that it was only a dream and you love her so much that you would never cheat on her in real life or in her dreams again. Don’t expect her to smile immediately as dream anger remains for a day or two till it is forgotten or the feeling attached to that dream fizzles out. Wait it out for a day or two and all will be well again
You actually cheated on her: Well, lets just say this this is the big sin you should be really worried about. Getting your way out of this is very difficult. She trusted you and you cheated on her & broke her heart. It is difficult for her to forgive you for this (at least immediately) and pretend like nothing happened.
You should:
Accept your mistake
Be honest with her
Apologize for your actions
Promise not to repeat it
Give her space
Give her time
Let her know how much she means to you
Apologize again
If married, agree to get professional help
Now Wait… Be patient
Don’t do anything stupid
Do things to win her trust back
This is going to take a long time since you have broken her trust, she feels back stabbed, feels used, feels hurt and this won’t heal immediately. Chances are that she will break up with you and block you from your life. Continue keeping communication if possible without stalking or harassing her and give her the space & time she requires to get over her pain and then she may lower her shield enough for you to attempt a reconciliation.
Read further Expert Relationship advice on the topic My Girlfriend is Angry With Me. Book mark this page GuysWorld for we will soon have another informative Relation advice on what to do when your girl is angry with you for having cheated on her.
Relationship Advice For Men 3: Understand & empathize with her feelings
Once you have figured out the reason for her anger, listen, understand & empathize with her feelings. If it is not any of the scenarios mentioned above and if she is still irate then you can go to the next step. Just listen her out with patience and let her vent out her anger and her feelings. She may be hurt & upset with something you did or said so give her time tell you how she feels. Tell her you understand what she is feeling and you feel bad about hurting her feelings and so on. Sit with her & hold her hand and look in her eyes as you acknowledge her feelings. There will come a time when she will calm down albeit slowly but you still need to be with her till she feels she has said enough. There may be some crying towards the end after the anger has dispersed as she may feel emotionally drained. Just continue staying and talking with her and she will surely & hopefully forgive you for whatever you may have done. If it is cheating then this exercise may take even more longer.
Relationship Advice For Men 4: Let go of your ego
Leave your ego at the doorstep of your relationship door. Don’t allow your ego come in between your relationship. Maybe it was not your mistake and she is accusing you of something you did not do. Even if has hurt your ego,try not to bring it into this fight. Maintain calm and talk calmly. Any egoistic or sarcastic comments will simply make things worse.
If she is quite angry and the reason is solid enough then, boy you have to think hard. You would have to provide her your take of the entire matter and make sure that does not complicate things further. It is also possible that she is not in a mood to talk at that moment then let it be. Do not annoy her else the volcano might erupt taking a few things in its stride.
Relationship Advice For Men 5: Apologize Unconditionally
Unless it is a matter of principle or on the right side of a moral issue, it is ok to apologize for small things where you are probably right or for things where you are wrong. If it is a matter of principle you stand for or a moral issue you are right about then you are within your right to not apologize but to straight talk and make her see your point of view. However for all things else, apologize unconditionally.
Subscribe to GuysWorld (Look for the Subscribe box on this page) for we will soon have another informative Relation advice on what to do when your girl is angry with you for having cheated on her.
Relationship Advice For Men 6: Accept your mistake & Promise not to repeat it again.
Impress on her just how wrong you have been and how you realize the mistake you made and how you will never repeat it again. Usually once you have accepted your mistake and promised not to repeat it again her anger usually subsides coz now she has no further motivation to remain angry. She may pretend to be angry but that is ok coz pretend anger is better than real anger. Take this opportunity to buy some ice cream or chocolates. The moment someone accepts their mistakes & apologizes, there is nothing further to argue on unless you have made this a habit. Look into her eyes and promise her that you will not repeat it ever again. Say it with conviction and she may believe you.
Continue reading Expert Relationship advice on the topic My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do
Relationship Advice For Men 7: Hold her hand & give her hug
unless you totally screwed up, this move will totally work in your favor. All the tense muscles in her body will relax when you hug her and she may cry a bit too but then she will calm down soon. Hug her lightly as you give her enough space to relax. Don’t hug her tightly and try to squeeze her or break her bones. Be gentle with her. Preferably it is best not to get all horny at this stage. Let her feel comfortable & safe in your arms. Assure her by whispering in her years about how much you love her and how precious she is to you. At this stage do not apologize or talk about your mistake or of her anger. Just be there in the moment and let her feel the love.
Relationship Advice For Men 8: Cook something special for her
If you guys are in a live in relationship or married then do something for a change and prepare a nice little meal for her. This would make her feel pampered and satisfy the hunger pangs too. But, if you are not a good cook better to order from outside to avoid making the situation tougher. Show her that you care and either make what she likes or order something she really enjoys eating.
Relationship Advice For Men 9: Lighten the situation & make her laugh
If none of these relationship advises work then take your joke book out. We are sure you must have some light comments up your sleeve and use them appropriately. It could start with a funny statement about whatever has happened and you could proceed further on the same lines. Again before you take this step remove any dangerous items that she can throw on you from out of her reach. You know what we mean……?
For boys, it is usually very tough to find out why exactly their girlfriend is angry. Instead of aggravating the situation use these smart tips to show you care. After all, it is in these special moments that your relationship becomes stronger.
Still searching google for My Girlfriend is Angry With Me What Should I Do? This article should answer all your questions.
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Relationship Advice For Men 10: Buy her a Gift & make her happy
If all else fails then buy her a gift and maybe, just maybe, her heart may melt a bit and she may go soft on you. When my girlfriend is angry with me, I buy her a little gift, something I know she will like. This is a little Relationship advice for men trick that usually works wonders. Think hard on what she must have told you she wanted to have or wanted to buy for her self or asked you to buy for her. If you are clueless or don’t remember if she did want something special then here are a few gifts you can get for her that will melt her heart and make her happy with you once again. Remember if She is angry with you and you have tried every thing possible to make her happy but failed then it is time to use the Giftastra weapon which every woman or girl will surely fall for.
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Here are some gifts you should definitely buy to diffuse your girlfriends anger. We guarantee you that she will love them a lot.
Lovable Hugable Teddy Bear 4 Feet Tall
I Love You So Much Chocolate Message with Teddy and Flower in Heart Shape Metal Box
100 Reasons I Love You Cards – Give her 1 card every day for 100 days.
Message in a Bottle 52 Reasons I Love You – One for every week in a year.
I Love You Lock Key Heart Shape Couple Pendant – Give her the Key
(Tell her that She is the Key to Your Life & Your Heart)
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Now what should you do if she has cut off all communications with you? She is angry enough to have blocked you on Whatsapp, Facebook & other social media then what is it you can do.
1. Reach out to her friends
2. Get a common friend to talk with her
3. If you know where she frequents then wait & hand her a note with everything you want to say, explain or apologize.
4. Wait for her to calm down
I will elaborate and provide relationship advice for men on how to handle a total communication block in my next article. Subscribe to this website and get notified when I post the next article on what to do when your girlfriend gets mad at you & blocks you completely. If you like this article then do share it with your friends because you never know when you will receive a whatsapp message that says, “Dude, help me. My girlfriend is angry with me what should I do”.You can ask Relationship Advice questions in the comments section.
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